Cellulitis or Dermatitis? Either way it’s getting better!

Last night things got scary. Nicholas suddenly had a fever of 101.3 and it was clear the redness covered the whole front of his calf, was spreading to the back, with major swelling near his bottom three pins. In particular next to two of his old half pins with a lot of drainage. He wasn’t feeling good either. We gave him a dose of roxicet and by the time I talked to Dr.Standard his fever was down to 99.5. The fact that Nicholas’s leg really didn’t hurt and was kind of itchy was complicating things. Dr. Standard thought it could be a delayed dermatitis possibly from something they used in the surgery. We gave Nick a large dose of an antihistamine and watched for a while.


We didn’t notice a change in his leg and Nick said he felt a little nauseous but he said it was maybe just the hungry kind of nauseous so I gave him some mike and bread with butter. That helped his belly so we gave him his fourth antibiotic dose and put him to bed.

Before I went to sleep I checked his leg and it was not better but it was not worse. By five am when we gave him his next antibiotic dose his leg looked less swollen, a little less red and certainly not spreading! What a relief! Nick woke up about 7:50 which is pretty late for him and was willing to stay in bed with his DS and a little breakfast. Thank goodness his Aunt Tara was able to pick up Charlotte and take her to school. I hated the idea of making him come with me to drop her off and then I realized Steven went to Wilmington with Nick’s wheel chair and walker in the trunk of the car!


I had thought we’d be heading to the RIAO this morning. I can’t explain how it felt to be so excited about his long beautiful leg and then watch it swell and redden! Nicholas has worked so hard. He’s really had enough of this fixator so complications right now are beyond unwelcome. Now that the antibiotic seems to be working. Assuming it wasn’t the antihistamine which I guess we can’t know for sure till we talk to Dr.S or Allison… I never asked when we should give Nick more but if the swelling comes back again since I haven’t given it to him then I guess we’ll know.

Right now I am just so grateful my boy’s leg is looking better, he’s feeling ok and we’re home for the day. This fixator business is like a roller coaster ride sometimes but the light at the end of the tunnel is still shining bright. I still take a moment here and there to imagine Nicholas as a seriously handsome and tall young man with two seriously long legs! I imagine him looking down at me and smiling. He may be more than a foot taller than me!

Last night when Nick was feeling down I reminded him of what it’s all about, having his legs equal and strong and I told him that he is the strongest and bravest person I know! I reminded him that every day I look at him and think OH MY GOD that kids is awesome! His response was “And I won’t be shortened. I’m keeping my length”. Even in the hard moments Nick still has his eye on the prize and is willing to work for it! That’s my boy!